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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • Shalev and The Quiet Secret of Success
    Wednesday, September 8, 2021
    Shalev, it's Hebrew for quiet and tranquility. It also means success/successful. It's different from our picture of success. Ours is filled with things, events, happenings, activity. But in Hebrew, success is linked to the quiet. The first success in creation, was the creation. When God created the world, He saw that it was good, and He rested. The first sign of success was rest, quiet, the Sabbath. So the sign of success in your life is rest. When you succeed, you can rest. When you are fulfilled and complete, you can cease striving. Where do you find success? You find success with God. You can strive the rest of your life to be complete. Or you can be complete now with the completion that comes with God in Messiah. Do you want success? Come to the quiet; the quiet with God, to His peace and His shalom. Those who can rest are complete. They have found success. 'Shalev' teaches us that the sign of success is not noise, but quiet. Make the quiet with God the central part of your life, and you will have success. Success is found in His quiet.
    From Message #713 - Secrets of the Quiet
    Today's Mission
    Today, seek to enter the quiet and rest of Messiah, lay it all down and find the success of God.
    Scripture: Isaiah 32:17
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn