Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM

Daily Prayer

  • Lighthouse Ministries Daily Prayer
    Dear Lord God,
    Thank You for filling Your creation with awe-inspiring beauty.
    Help me to see Your glory today as it is displayed in Your creation.
    Please help me to recognize the works of Your hands all around me.
    Your goodness is greater than I can imagine.
    May Your Holy Spirit give me eyes to see each person as an example of Your masterful creation.
    Help me to be mindful that You have made all people in Your image...
    So God created man in His own image;
    in the image of God He created him;
    male and female He created them.
    Genesis 1:27
    May Your holy ways reign in my life.
    Please train my heart to seek You and to submit to You...
    O Lord ,
    You have searched me and known me.
    You know my sitting down and my rising up;
    You understand my thought afar off.
    Psalm 139:1-2
    I pray that Your Holy Spirit will work in my heart to quiet all that distracts me from hearing You speak into my life.
    Thank You for loving me.
    In Jesus' brilliant name I pray,