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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The Door and The Window
    Wednesday, February 9, 2022
    In Acts 9, Paul is in danger and there are people out for his life. He is being guarded and can't go out the regular gate of the city. So what does he do? He goes out the window modeling the out-the-window principle. The door is the place you think of going out. If the door is closed, we think there is no way to get out. In life, we can get our mind or heart so set on something, that if one thing closes, we lose hope. If a door closes in ministry or a relationship, we lose hope. Maybe the door wasn't God's will. Maybe it wasn't God's will to serve Him that way, but it is God's will to serve Him. So, the door closed, but a window of ministry is going to be open. Maybe it wasn't God's will in that relationship, but it is His will for you to have joy. So, that door of joy may be closed, but the window of joy is going to be open. Don't give up when it comes to God's will and His promises. Chances are there is already a window open.
    From Message #656 - The "Out The Window" Principle
    Today's Mission
    Seek God's will in all things. Be assured when He speaks His will. It might not be what we see as the obvious answer, but He is calling us to follow Him through the window.
    Scripture: Proverbs 3:5-6 | Acts 9
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn