Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • Commemoration and Life
    Wednesday, February 16, 2022
    In religion, people end up commemorating things. They commemorate the miracles of God like Passover, Chanukah, Purim and The Resurrection. So, in a synagogue in Nazareth, they commemorated the power and works of God in prayers, hymns, rituals and services. But they were so busy commemorating God that, when He came into their presence, they failed to recognize Him, even when He said, "Today in your hearing, this scripture is fulfilled." They weren't able to see God because they had become comfortable just commemorating Him and His power. And so, it is with us. When we allow joy and life to go out of our walk with God, we end up commemorating God and the new life we once lived. And we go through the motions - of serving, of worshipping, of praising. Our lives become lifeless rituals, even ruts. Is this you? Are you in a rut? Then invite the living God into your rut. Ask Him to clear away lifeless rituals so that you may commune with Him and hear Him just like in the beginning. For God wants you to live, new life in Him - today!
    From Message #671 - Messiah in the Synagogue
    Today's Mission
    Never allow our worship and praise to commemorate the past and become a stagnant set of rituals. We serve a loving, living God. Give Him praise and worship from our hearts with joy.
    Scripture: John 10:10
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn