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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The Bully's Bluff
    Monday, April 4, 2022
    To this day, historians are amazed at the rise of Adolf Hitler. He was an unsuccessful artist, a misfit, yet he ended up taking control of Germany, then Europe, and almost the world. He had a tactic that he used from the beginning to the end - intimidation and bluffs. He continually threatened those who would stand in his way, and often his threats were bluffs. Had he been firmly challenged; he would have been defeated. The people around him believed his bluff and they surrendered to him, and the bluff became real. That is Satan's nature and tactic against you. The deceiver will claim that he has more power than he does, and that you have less power in God than you do; that you don't have the power to resist the temptation. But it is not true unless you give in! You stand with God; you stand on His promises. You don't give in; you fight him and overcome. For "greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world." Don't give in, because no matter what it looks like, it's ultimately a bluff--a bully's bluff.
    From Message #901 - The Great Bluff
    Today's Mission
    Today, stand strong in the Lord's strength. Do not panic when the deceiver threatens you. Stand and fight, take authority over all attacks that come at you.
    Scripture: Psalm 59:16-17
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn