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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM

Coffee Time with Jesus

  • The Father: One Father
    Then they said to Him (Jesus),
    "We were not born of fornication,
    we have one Father—God.”
    John 8:41
    There is One Father—the God of the universe. No other god can compare to Him. He created all things; idols cannot make anything. The Father sustains all life and order in the universe; false gods have no power to do anything. The Father is the personal God, in whose image the first man was created; everyone who is born has His likeness. That’s why He is also the Father of all mankind—the Father-God of all. Because the Father has the power of personality, He knows people, loves people and wants to have fellowship with them. Will you seek Him today?
    You are my Father-God because You created me and also because You saved me and made me Your child. You are the only God in my life. You are the One Father-God to whom I owe everything.
    The one Father-God transcends high above all Heaven and Earth. He is the sovereign Ruler of everything. Yet He is as close to you as a father is to his child because He is your Father. Just as a child owes its parents everything, so you must obey and honor Him. Just as a child must answer to its parents for its disobedience, so He is the one Father-God who will judge all people. Come to Him as a Father, so you won’t have to answer to Him as the God of judgment.
    I depend on You as my Father to care for me and guide me. Help me to glorify You today. Amen.
    Go Deeper: James 1:17-27
    Knowing God is like knowing a good Father.