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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM

Coffee Time with Jesus

  • The Father: Your Father In Heaven
    Let your light so shine before men,
    that they may see your good works
    and glorify your Father in heaven.
    Matthew 5:16
    Your Father in heaven…
    makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good,
    and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.
    Matthew 5:45
    Be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect. Matthew 5:48
    Your Father in Heaven is more than a powerful Creator; your Father in Heaven is Lord. But He’s more than the sovereign Ruler of the universe; He’s your personal Father in Heaven. Just as a child has immediate access to the intimacies of his father, so you have that relationship to Your heavenly Father. The Father gives you eternal life, and no one is able to snatch you out of His hand (John 10:28-29). He has prepared a home for you in Heaven and will work all things in your life for good (John 14:2; Romans 8:28). The Father will give you His grace and peace (1 Thessalonians 1:1).
    Father, I rest secure in Your presence. Thank You for receiving me and giving me a new position in the heavenlies.
    Now you belong to Your Father in Heaven. You can call on Him for answers to prayer, and He will give you illumination to learn the Word of God. Because the Father belongs to you, you are special. You are His child, so you have access to Him at any time for any plea. Because you are the Father’s child, all of Heaven is ready to help you.
    Father, thank You for my special place near Your heart. I want to serve You with power so that I can extend Your kingdom on Earth. I want to know You intimately so that I can be like You. I want to worship You so that You will be glorified. Amen.
    Go Deeper: John 17:20-26
    You received a special relationship to the Father when you became a Christian.