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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The City not Taken
    Tuesday, May 3, 2022
    There is a city on the Mediterranean coast of Israel called Akko (Acre). Akko was an important pagan city, a key port in the hands of Israel's enemies. Akko could have been a great blessing for Israel. The tragedy is that this was supposed to be Israel's land. It was given to Israel by God, bequeathed to the tribe of Asher, but Asher never took it. It remained pagan and was never a part of the Promised Land, even though it was given to them. It was not theirs because they never entered it. Learn this lesson. God has promised you things, given you things, but if you do not believe it, it will not be yours. God has given you victory, peace, joy, love, freedom from bondage, and the power to triumph over all things, but if you do not ever enter it and fight for it, you will never know it. It will become for you Akko, the city never taken. Turn that defeat into a victory. Believe the promise, enter the inheritance, fight for the land and take the city. God has given you abundant life my friend, now take it.
    From Message #882 - The Akko Principle
    Today's Mission
    Believe today that God has blessed you abundantly, take that power to triumph through Him to fight the good fight and enter into that victory in your life.
    Scripture: Romans 8:31
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn