Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The Detour Leader
    Thursday, May 26, 2022
    Have you ever been driving on a trip and had to take a detour? You are not really sure where to go, but you follow the detour. Then other people start following you because they think you know where you are going. Now you are under pressure, because it's bad enough being lost, but now you have followers while being lost. So, in the spiritual realm, what are you really following? Are you really following the Lord first in all things - or your pleasures; or the pursuit of status, or entertainment; or experiences; or happiness; or power; or selfish ambition; or money? If you are following any one of these things, if it is not the Lord, then you are following something that can't lead, like following a blind leader; a leader who is lost. Stop following those impulses, they will only lead you into the pit. Follow the only one who really knows where he is going and knows how to lead your life for blessing, Messiah your true Rabbi and Teacher, and you will never be lost.
    From Message #828 - The Blind Rabbi
    Today's Mission
    Ask yourself today, are you pursuing things for yourself or God? Stop striving for works of the flesh. Instead concentrate on holy things that never fade and He will bless you.
    Scripture: Matthew 15:13-14
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn