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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The yud Step
    Thursday, September 8, 2022
    Messiah said not one jot or tittle will perish from God's word. Jot was the Hebrew letter "Yud." It's like an apostrophe. It's the letter that begins the word Israel--Yisrael, Yehovah, Yeshua, some of the most important words in Hebrew. If you look at the life you are to live, your calling, the life of victory and holiness, it looks overwhelming, out of reach. Even to repent, to break that sin can seem overwhelming. Remember the Yud. The Yud begins most of the blessings God has for His people, even the Aaronic blessing. Remember, the blessings God has for you begin with a Yud, the smallest things. Your life of victory and righteousness often begins with the smallest step. You can't walk a whole journey today, just the first step. You can't complete a life of repentance or victory today, but you can take the Yud of repentance, the Yud of victory, the Yud of holiness. Take one small stroke for righteousness today, of repentance, of victory, of new beginnings and you will live a life of blessings. For most of God's blessings begin with a Yud.
    From Message #1016 - Inherit the Land
    Today's Mission
    Close that gap to achieve your victory in Yeshua by making one small step to holiness and then keep going.
    Scripture: Matthew 5:18
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn