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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM

Coffee Time with Jesus

  • The Trinity: The Unknown God
    As I was passing through
    and considering the object of your worship,
    I even found an altar with the inscription:
    Acts 17:23
    God is the Unknown God. He is the real God, who is the prototype of all false gods, which are crafted by those who don’t know the real God. Just as there is a real object from which imitations are made, so God is the real One whom the world doesn’t know, yet they make imitations of Him. He is not like the false gods of gold or silver or stone, carved with human hands. The world doesn’t know the God of Heaven—the Unknown God—but He is everywhere present at the same time.
    Lord, I know You, even though the world does not recognize You. I know You in salvation, and I know You in fellowship. I want to make You known to others.
    The world may think that God doesn’t exist and that He’s unknown, but it is still accountable to Him because He created “the world and everything in it” (Acts 17:24). We are all offspring of God, and we live and move and have our being in Him (Acts 17:28). We are all responsible to seek God because He is not far from any of us (Acts 17:27). It is our task to let the world see God in us.
    Lord, I will not let anything substitute for You, nor will I worship anything in Your place. I will make room for You at the center of my life. I will worship You only. Amen.
    Go Deeper: Acts 17:16-34
    The real God of Heaven is the prototype of all false gods.