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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • Being Where He is
    Friday, July 7, 2023
    The Lord's prayer begins with, "Our Father who 'art' in heaven." Our prayers often start with our problems, predicaments, situations, wants or needs. But it's not supposed to be like that. Prayer should start with focusing on where He 'art.' In other words, focus on where God is. What you're dealing with or upset about, is where you 'art.' It has a place, but it is not the most important place of prayer. Lay down your 'art' and focus on God and His 'art,' and your problems aren't going to be such a problem. That's when you'll start dwelling in heavenly places. But you can only do that when you start from where He 'art.' When your 'art' is right, your heart will be right also. Then, you'll end up dwelling in, what you dwell on. Where your treasure 'art,' there your heart will be also. The point is, "Our Father who 'art' in heaven" forget where you 'art' and focus on where He 'art.' Most of your problems will be solved right there and you'll be dwelling in heavenly places. But it all starts where He 'art.'
    From Message #479 - Avinu (Our Father)
    Today's Mission
    Today let go of your concerns, problems, and issues. And focus instead on how amazing He is. Worship Him in the beauty of His Holiness in heavenly places.
    Scripture: Psalm 121:1-2
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn