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Arch Bishop Micheal Ralph Vendegna S.O.S.M.A.

Liturgy of the Hours

  • Morning Prayer (Lauds)

    If this is the first Hour that you are reciting today, you should precede it with the Invitatory Psalm.

    O God, come to our aid.
      O Lord, make haste to help us.
    Glory be to the Father and to the Son
      and to the Holy Spirit,
    as it was in the beginning,
      is now, and ever shall be,
      world without end.
    Amen. Alleluia.

    All hail the power of Jesus’ name;
      Let Angels prostrate fall;
    Bring forth the royal diadem
      To crown him Lord of all.
    Crown him, ye Martyrs of your God,
      Who from his altar call;
    Praise him whose way of pain ye trod,
      And crown him Lord of all.
    Hail him, ye heirs of David’s line,
      Whom David Lord did call;
    The God Incarnate, Man Divine,
      And crown him Lord of all.
    Let every tribe and every tongue
      To him their hearts enthral,
    Lift high the universal song,
      And crown him Lord of all.

    Psalm 85 (86)
    A poor man's prayer in time of trouble
    Give joy to your servant, Lord, for to you I lift up my soul.
    Turn your ear to me, Lord, and hear me,
      for I am poor and destitute.
    Keep my life safe, for I am faithful;
      O God, save your servant, who trusts in you.
    Take pity upon me, O Lord,
      for I call to you all the day long.
    Make your servant’s heart glad,
      for to you, O Lord, I have raised it.
    For you, Lord, are gentle and mild:
      you are kind to all those who call on you.
    Let your ears hear my prayer, O Lord!
      Turn to the voice of my pleading!
    In my time of trouble I call on you,
      for you, O Lord, will hear me.
    No other god is like you, O Lord,
      and nothing compares with your works.
    All people – all nations you made –
      will come and worship before you;
      they will give glory to your name.
    For you are great, you work wonders:
      you alone are God.
    O Lord, teach me your paths,
      and I will come to your truth.
    Make my heart simple and guileless,
      so that it honours your name.
    I will proclaim you, Lord my God,
      and give you praise with all my heart.
    I will give glory to your name for ever,
      for your great kindness is upon me:
      you have rescued me from the deepest depths.
    O God, the proud rise against me,
      in the meetings of the powerful they seek my life:
      they do not keep you in their sight.
    And you, Lord, are a God of compassion,
      full of mercies, patient and true.
    Look upon me, have mercy upon me,
      give your strength and protection to your servant:
      your servant, the child of your handmaid.
    Give me a sign of your goodness,
      let my enemies see it and be confounded;
    because you, O Lord, have helped me and given me comfort.
    Glory be to the Father and to the Son
      and to the Holy Spirit,
    as it was in the beginning,
      is now, and ever shall be,
      world without end.
    Give joy to your servant, Lord, for to you I lift up my soul.

    Canticle Isaiah 33 The Lord will give just judgement
    Blessed is the man who walks in justice and speaks what is true.
    Hear what I have done, you who are far off,
      and you who are near, learn of my strength.
    In Zion, the sinners are afraid;
      the hypocrites tremble.
    Which of you could live with a devouring fire?
    Which of you will abide in everlasting burning?
    He who walks in justice, he who speaks fairly –
    he who rejects the spoils of robbery –
    he who throws back a bribe –
    he who blocks his ears against murderous counsels –
    he who shuts his eyes against evil sights –
    this is he who will dwell on high, secure in a fortress of rocks.
    Bread is given to him; his supply of water is secure.
    Glory be to the Father and to the Son
      and to the Holy Spirit,
    as it was in the beginning,
      is now, and ever shall be,
      world without end.
    Blessed is the man who walks in justice and speaks what is true.

    Psalm 97 (98)
    The Lord has brought salvation
    Acclaim the King, the Lord.
    Sing a new song to the Lord,
      for he has worked wonders.
    His right hand, his holy arm,
      have brought him victory.
    The Lord has shown his saving power,
      and before all nations he has shown his justice.
    He has remembered to show his kindness
      and his faithfulness to the house of Israel.
    The farthest ends of the earth
      have seen the saving power of our God.
    Rejoice in God, all the earth.
      Break forth in triumph and song!
    Sing to the Lord on the lyre,
      with the lyre and with music.
    With trumpets and the sound of the horn,
      sound jubilation to the Lord, our king.
    Let the sea resound in its fullness,
      all the earth and all its inhabitants.
    The rivers will clap their hands,
      and the mountains will exult at the presence of the Lord,
      for he comes to judge the earth.
    He will judge all the world in justice,
      and the peoples with fairness.
    Glory be to the Father and to the Son
      and to the Holy Spirit,
    as it was in the beginning,
      is now, and ever shall be,
      world without end.
    Acclaim the King, the Lord.

    Short Reading 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 ©
    Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, a gentle Father and the God of all consolation, who comforts us in all our sorrows, so that we can offer others, in their sorrows, the consolation that we have received from God ourselves. Indeed, as the sufferings of Christ overflow to us, so, through Christ, does our consolation overflow.

    Short Responsory  
    The Lord is my strength. I will sing praise to him.
    The Lord is my strength. I will sing praise to him.
    He is my salvation.
    The Lord is my strength. I will sing praise to him.
    Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
    The Lord is my strength. I will sing praise to him.

    Canticle Benedictus The Messiah and his forerunner
    Christ will be glorified in my body, whether by my life or by my death. Life to me, of course, is Christ, but then death would bring me something more.
    Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel,
      for he has come to his people and brought about their redemption.
    He has raised up the sign of salvation
      in the house of his servant David,
    as he promised through the mouth of the holy ones,
      his prophets through the ages:
    to rescue us from our enemies
      and all who hate us,
    to take pity on our fathers,
      to remember his holy covenant
    and the oath he swore to Abraham our father,
      that he would give himself to us,
    that we could serve him without fear
     – freed from the hands of our enemies –
    in uprightness and holiness before him,
      for all of our days.
    And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High:
      for you will go before the face of the Lord to prepare his path,
    to let his people know their salvation,
      so that their sins may be forgiven.
    Through the bottomless mercy of our God,
      one born on high will visit us
    to give light to those who walk in darkness,
      who live in the shadow of death;
      to lead our feet in the path of peace.
    Glory be to the Father and to the Son
      and to the Holy Spirit,
    as it was in the beginning,
      is now, and ever shall be,
      world without end.
    Christ will be glorified in my body, whether by my life or by my death. Life to me, of course, is Christ, but then death would bring me something more.

    Prayers and intercessions  
    Through the martyrs who were slain for God’s word, let us give glory to our Saviour, the faithful and true witness.
    You redeemed us by your precious blood.
    Through the martyrs, who bore witness to your love,
      set us free to live for you.
    You redeemed us by your precious blood.
    Through the martyrs, who proclaimed your saving death,
      give us a deep and constant faith.
    You redeemed us by your precious blood.
    Through the martyrs, who took up your cross,
      grant us courage for every trial.
    You redeemed us by your precious blood.
    Through the martyrs, washed in the blood of the Lamb,
      give us grace to conquer our weakness.
    You redeemed us by your precious blood.

    Our Father, who art in heaven,
      hallowed be thy name.
    Thy kingdom come.
      Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
    Give us this day our daily bread,
      and forgive us our trespasses,
      as we forgive those who trespass against us,
    and lead us not into temptation,
      but deliver us from evil.

    All-powerful, ever-living God, you gave Saint Maximilian Kolbe
      the courage to witness to the Gospel of Christ
      even to the point of giving his life for it.
    By his prayers, help us to endure all suffering for love of you
      and to seek you with all our hearts,
      for you alone are the source of life.
    Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
      who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
      one God, for ever and ever.

    The Lord bless us, and keep us from all evil, and bring us to everlasting life.