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Arch Bishop Micheal Ralph Vendegna S.O.S.M.A.

Liturgy of the Hours

  • Wednesday 8 April 2020

    Wednesday of Holy Week

    Compline (Night Prayer)

    The Compline after First or Second Vespers of a Sunday may be substituted for the Compline of a weekday.



    O God, come to our aid.
        O Lord, make haste to help us.
    Glory be to the Father and to the Son
        and to the Holy Spirit,
    as it was in the beginning,
        is now, and ever shall be,
        world without end.


    Examination of Conscience

    This is an excellent moment for an examination of conscience.  In a communal celebration of Compline, one of the penitential acts given in the Missal may be recited.



    Christ, thou who art the light and day,
    Who chasest nightly shades away,
    Thyself the Light of Light confessed,
    And promiser of radiance blest:

    O holy Lord, we pray to thee,
    Throughout the night our guardian be;
    In thee vouchsafe us to repose,
    All peaceful till the night shall close.

    O let our eyes due slumber take,
    Our hearts to thee forever wake:
    And let thy right hand from above
    Shield us who turn to thee in love.

    O strong defender, hear our prayers,
    Repel our foes and break their snares,
    And govern thou thy servants here,
    Those ransomed with thy life-blood dear.

    Almighty Father, this accord
    Through Jesus Christ, thy Son our Lord,
    Who with the Holy Ghost and thee
    Doth reign through all eternity.


    Psalm 30 (31)
    Trustful prayer in time of adversity

    “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit” (Lk 23:46).

    O God, be my protector and my refuge.

    In yóu, O Lórd, I take réfuge. *
        Let me néver be pút to sháme.
    In your jústice, sét me frée, *
        héar me and spéedily réscue me.

    Be a róck of réfuge fór me, *
        a míghty strónghold to sáve me,
    for yóu are my róck, my strónghold. *
        For your náme’s sake, léad me and gúide me.

    Reléase me from the snáres they have hídden *
        for yóu are my réfuge, Lórd.
    Into your hánds I comménd my spírit. *
        It is yóu who will redéem me, Lórd.

    Glory be to the Father and to the Son
        and to the Holy Spirit,
    as it was in the beginning,
        is now, and ever shall be,
        world without end.

    O God, be my protector and my refuge.


    Full of trust we run to you, Lord, and put our lives into your hands. You are our strength in times of trouble and our refuge along the way. May you be our joy at the turning points of life and our reward at its end.


    Psalm 129 (130)
    Out of the depths

    “He will save his people from their sins” (Mt 1:21).

    Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord.

    Out of the dépths I crý to you, O Lórd, *
        Lórd, hear my vóice!
    O lét your éars be atténtive *
        to the vóice of my pléading.

    If you, O Lórd, should márk our gúilt, *
        Lórd, who would survíve?
    But with yóu is fóund forgíveness: *
        for thís we revére you.

    My sóul is wáiting for the Lórd. *
        I cóunt on his wórd.
    My sóul is lónging for the Lórd *
        more than wátchman for dáybreak.
    Let the wátchman cóunt on dáybreak *
        and Ísrael on the Lórd.

    Becáuse with the Lórd there is mércy *
        and fúllness of redémption,
    Ísrael indéed he will redéem *
        from áll its iníquity.

    Glory be to the Father and to the Son
        and to the Holy Spirit,
    as it was in the beginning,
        is now, and ever shall be,
        world without end.

    Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord.


    Listen with compassion to our prayers, Lord. The forgiveness of sins is yours. Do not look on the wrong we have done, but grant us your merciful kindness.


    God of might and compassion, you sent your Word into the world, a watchman to announce to men the dawn of salvation. Do not leave us in the depths of our sins but listen to your Church pleading with you. Respond to her trust, and pour out in her the fullness of your redeeming grace.


    Short Reading
    Ephesians 4:26-27

    Do not let resentment lead you into sin; the sunset must not find you still angry. Do not give the devil his opportunity.


    Short Responsory

    Into your hands, Lord, I commend my spirit.
    – Into your hands, Lord, I commend my spirit.
    You have redeemed us, Lord God of truth.
    – Into your hands, Lord, I commend my spirit.
    Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
    – Into your hands, Lord, I commend my spirit.


    Nunc Dimittis
    Christ is the light of the nations and the glory of Israel

    Save us, Lord, while we are awake; protect us while we sleep; that we may keep watch with Christ and rest with him in peace.

    At lást, all-pówerful Máster, †
        you give léave to your sérvant *
        to go in péace, accórding to your prómise.

    For my éyes have séen your sálvation *
        which you have prepáred for all nátions,
    the líght to enlíghten the Géntiles *
        and give glóry to Ísrael, your péople.

    Glory be to the Father and to the Son
        and to the Holy Spirit,
    as it was in the beginning,
        is now, and ever shall be,
        world without end.

    Save us, Lord, while we are awake; protect us while we sleep; that we may keep watch with Christ and rest with him in peace.


    Let us pray.

    Lord Jesus Christ,
        meek and humble of heart,
    you offer to those who follow you
        a yoke that is good to bear,
        a burden that is light.
    Accept, we beg you, our prayer and work of this day,
        and grant us the rest we need
        that we may be ever more willing to serve you,
        who live and reign for ever and ever.


    The Lord grant us a quiet night and a perfect end.


    Marian Anthem

    Ave Regina Caelorum

    Hail, Queen of heaven, beyond compare,
    To whom the angels homage pay;
    Hail, Root of Jesse, Gate of Light,
    That opened for the world’s new Day.

    Rejoice, O Virgin unsurpassed,
    In whom our ransom was begun,
    For all your loving children pray
    To Christ, our Saviour and your Son.

    Ave, Regína cælórum,
    ave, Dómina angelórum,
    salve, radix, salve, porta,
    ex qua mundo lux est orta.

    Gaude, Virgo gloriósa,
    super omnes speciósa;
    vale, o valde decóra,
    et pro nobis Christum exóra.

    Copyright © 1996-2020 Universalis Publishing Limited: see www.universalis.com. Scripture readings from the Jerusalem Bible are published and copyright © 1966, 1967 and 1968 by Darton, Longman & Todd, Ltd and Doubleday, a division of Random House, Inc, and used by permission of the publishers. Text of the Psalms: Copyright © 1963, The Grail (England). Used with permission of A.P. Watt Ltd.  All rights reserved.