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Arch Bishop Micheal Ralph Vendegna S.O.S.M.A.

Liturgy of the Hours

  • Saturday 11 April 2020

    Holy Saturday

    Mid-Morning Prayer (Terce)

    Introduction (without Invitatory)

    If this is the first Hour that you are reciting today, use the version with the Invitatory Psalm instead.

    O God, come to our aid.
        O Lord, make haste to help us.
    Glory be to the Father and to the Son
        and to the Holy Spirit,
    as it was in the beginning,
        is now, and ever shall be,
        world without end.



    Come, Holy Spirit, live in us
    With God the Father and the Son,
    And grant us your abundant grace
    To sanctify and make us one.

    May mind and tongue made strong in love
    Your praise throughout the world proclaim,
    And may that love within our hearts
    Set fire to others with its flame.

    Most blessèd Trinity of love,
    For whom the heart of man was made,
    To you be praise in timeless song,
    And everlasting homage paid.

    Stanbrook Abbey Hymnal




    Psalm 26 (27)
    Keeping faith in time of peril

    I am sure I shall see the Lord’s goodness in the land of the living.

    The Lórd is my líght and my hélp; *
        whóm shall I féar?
    The Lórd is the strónghold of my lífe; *
        before whóm shall I shrínk?

    When évil-dóers draw néar *
        to devóur my flésh,
    it is théy, my énemies and fóes, *
        who stúmble and fáll.

    Though an ármy encámp agáinst me *
        my héart would not féar.
    Though wár break óut agáinst me *
        even thén would I trúst.

    There is óne thing I ásk of the Lórd, *
        for thís I lóng,
    to líve in the hóuse of the Lórd, *
        all the dáys of my lífe,
    to sávour the swéetness of the Lórd, *
        to behóld his témple.

    For thére he keeps me sáfe in his tént *
        in the dáy of évil.
    He hídes me in the shélter of his tént, *
        on a róck he sets me sáfe.

    And nów my héad shall be ráised *
        above my fóes who surróund me
    and I shall óffer withín his tént †
        a sácrifice of jóy. *
        I will síng and make músic for the Lórd.

    O Lórd, hear my vóice when I cáll; *
        have mércy and ánswer.
    Of yóu my héart has spóken: *
        ‘Séek his fáce.’

    It is your fáce, O Lórd, that I séek; *
        híde not your fáce.
    Dismíss not your sérvant in ánger; *
        yóu have been my hélp.

    Dó not abándon or forsáke me, *
        O Gód my hélp!
    Though fáther and móther forsáke me, *
        the Lórd will recéive me.

    Instrúct me, Lórd, in your wáy; *
        on an éven path léad me.
    When they líe in ámbush protéct me *
        from my énemy’s gréed.
    False wítnesses ríse agáinst me, *
        bréathing out fúry.

    I am súre I shall sée the Lord’s góodness *
        in the lánd of the líving.
    Hope in hím, hold fírm and take héart. *
        Hópe in the Lórd!

    Glory be to the Father and to the Son
        and to the Holy Spirit,
    as it was in the beginning,
        is now, and ever shall be,
        world without end.


    Psalm 29 (30)
    Thanksgiving for rescue from death

    “Christ gives thanks to his Father after his glorious resurrection” (Cassian).

    I will práise you, Lórd, yóu have réscued me *
        and have nót let my énemies rejóice óver me.

    O Lórd, I críed to you for hélp *
        and yóu, my Gód, have héaled me.
    O Lórd, you have ráised my sóul from the déad, *
        restóred me to lífe from those who sínk into the gráve.

    Sing psálms to the Lórd, you who lóve him, *
        give thánks to his hóly náme.
    His ánger lasts a móment; his fávour all through lífe. *
        At níght there are téars, but jóy comes with dáwn.

    I sáid to mysélf in my good fórtune: *
        ‘Nóthing will éver distúrb me.’
    Your fávour had sét me on a móuntain fástness, *
        then you híd your fáce and I was pút to confúsion.

    To yóu, Lórd, I críed, *
        to my Gód I máde appéal:
    ‘What prófit would my déath be, my góing to the gráve? *
        Can dúst give you práise or procláim your trúth?’

    The Lórd lístened and had píty. *
        The Lórd cáme to my hélp.
    For mé you have chánged my móurning into dáncing, *
        you remóved my sáckcloth and clóthed me with jóy.
    So my sóul sings psálms to you uncéasingly. *
        O Lord my Gód, I will thánk you for éver.

    Glory be to the Father and to the Son
        and to the Holy Spirit,
    as it was in the beginning,
        is now, and ever shall be,
        world without end.


    Psalm 75 (76)
    Thanksgiving after victory

    Gód is made knówn in Júdah; *
        in Ísrael his náme is gréat.
    He sét up his tént in Jerúsalem *
        and his dwélling pláce in Síon.
    It was thére he bróke the flashing árrows, *
        the shíeld, the swórd, the ármour.

    Yóu, O Lórd, are respléndent, *
        more majéstic than the éverlasting móuntains.
    The wárriors, despóiled, slept in déath; *
        the hánds of the sóldiers were pówerless.
    At your thréat, O Gód of Jácob, *
        hórse and ríder lay stúnned.

    Yóu, you alóne, strike térror. *
        Who shall stánd when your ánger is róused?
    You úttered your séntence from the héavens; *
        the éarth in térror was stíll
    when Gód aróse to júdge, *
        to sáve the húmble of the éarth.

    Men’s ánger will sérve to práise you; *
        its survívors surróund you in jóy.
    Make vóws to your Gód and fulfíl them. *
        Let all pay tríbute to hím who strikes térror,
    who cúts short the bréath of prínces, *
        who strikes térror in the kíngs of the éarth.

    Glory be to the Father and to the Son
        and to the Holy Spirit,
    as it was in the beginning,
        is now, and ever shall be,
        world without end.

    I am sure I shall see the Lord’s goodness in the land of the living.


    Your power is awesome, Father, and wonderful is your holiness. In your presence the earth both trembles and stands still, for you shattered death’s power by the cross. Rise to help your people: give your light, and grant salvation to the meek of the earth, that they may praise your name in heaven.


    Short Reading
    1 John 1:8-9

    If we say we have no sin in us, we are deceiving ourselves and refusing to admit the truth; but if we acknowledge our sins, then God who is faithful and just will forgive our sins and purify us from everything that is wrong.


    ℣. You will not leave my soul among the dead,
    ℟. Nor let your beloved see decay.


    Let us pray.

    Almighty, ever-living God,
        whose Only-Begotten Son descended to the realm of the dead,
        and rose from there to glory,
    grant that your faithful people,
        who were buried with him in baptism,
        may, by his resurrection, obtain eternal life.
    Who lives and reigns for ever and ever.


    Let us praise the Lord.
    – Thanks be to God.

    Copyright © 1996-2020 Universalis Publishing Limited: see www.universalis.com. Scripture readings from the Jerusalem Bible are published and copyright © 1966, 1967 and 1968 by Darton, Longman & Todd, Ltd and Doubleday, a division of Random House, Inc, and used by permission of the publishers. Text of the Psalms: Copyright © 1963, The Grail (England). Used with permission of A.P. Watt Ltd.  All rights reserved.