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Arch Bishop Micheal Ralph Vendegna S.O.S.M.A.

Liturgy of the Hours

  • Saturday 30 May 2020

    Saturday of the 7th week of Eastertide 

    Morning Prayer (Lauds)

    Introduction (without Invitatory)

    If this is the first Hour that you are reciting today, use the version with the Invitatory Psalm instead.

    O God, come to our aid.
    O Lord, make haste to help us.
    Glory be to the Father and to the Son
    and to the Holy Spirit,
    as it was in the beginning,
    is now, and ever shall be,
    world without end.
    Amen. Alleluia.



    It were my soul’s desire
    To see the face of God;
    It were my soul’s desire
    To rest in his abode.

    Grant, Lord, my soul’s desire,
    Deep waves of cleansing sighs,
    Grant, Lord, my soul’s desire,
    From earthly cares to rise.

    It were my soul’s desire
    To imitate my King,
    It were my soul’s desire
    His endless praise to sing.

    It were my soul’s desire,
    When heaven’s gate is won,
    To find my soul’s desire,
    Clear shining like the sun.

    This still my soul’s desire,
    Whatever life afford,
    To gain my soul’s desire
    And see thy face, O Lord.


    Psalm 118 (119): 145-152
    Meditating the word of the Lord in the Law

    “When anyone obeys what he has said, God’s love comes to perfection in him” (1 John 2:5)

    The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life. Alleluia.

    I call with all my heart; Lord, hear me,
    I will keep your commands.
    I call upon you, save me
    and I will do your will.

    I rise before dawn and cry for help,
    I hope in your word.
    My eyes watch through the night
    to ponder your promise.

    In your love hear my voice, O Lord;
    give me life by your decrees.
    Those who harm me unjustly draw near;
    they are far from your law.

    But you, O Lord, are close,
    your commands are truth.
    Long have I known that your will
    is established for ever.

    Glory be to the Father and to the Son
    and to the Holy Spirit,
    as it was in the beginning,
    is now, and ever shall be,
    world without end.

    The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life. Alleluia.


    Save us by the power of your hand, Father, for our enemies have ignored your words. May the fire of your word consume our sins and its brightness illumine our hearts.


    Wisdom 9
    Lord, give me wisdom

    “I myself will give you an eloquence and a wisdom that none of your opponents will be able to resist” (Lk 21:15).

    Lord, you have set up your temple and altar on your holy mountain. Alleluia.

    O God of my fathers and Lord of mercy,
    who have made all things by your word;
    and by your wisdom have formed man
    to have dominion over the creatures you have made,
    and rule the world in holiness and righteousness,
    and pronounce judgement in uprightness of soul,
    give me the wisdom that sits by your throne,
    and do not reject me from among your servants.

    For I am your slave
    and the son of your maidservant,
    a man who is weak and short-lived,
    with little understanding of judgement and laws;
    for even if one is perfect among the sons of men,
    yet without the wisdom that comes from you
    he will be regarded as nothing.

    With you is wisdom, who knows your works
    and was present when you made the world,
    and who understands what is pleasing in your sight
    and what is right according to your commandments.

    Send her forth from the holy heavens,
    and from the throne of your glory send her,
    that she may be with me and toil,
    and that I may learn what is pleasing to you;
    for she knows and understands all things,
    and she will guide me wisely in my actions
    and guard me with her glory.

    Glory be to the Father and to the Son
    and to the Holy Spirit,
    as it was in the beginning,
    is now, and ever shall be,
    world without end.

    Lord, you have set up your temple and altar on your holy mountain. Alleluia.


    Psalm 116 (117)
    Praise of the merciful Lord

    “I ask the nations to give praise to God for his mercy” (Rom 15:8,9).

    I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. Alleluia.

    O praise the Lord, all you nations,
    acclaim him all you peoples!

    Strong is his love for us;
    he is faithful for ever.

    Glory be to the Father and to the Son
    and to the Holy Spirit,
    as it was in the beginning,
    is now, and ever shall be,
    world without end.

    I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. Alleluia.


    God our Father, may all nations and peoples praise you. May Jesus, who is called faithful and true and who lives with you eternally, possess our hearts for ever.


    Lord God, everything you have promised has been done to show your faithfulness; and you have revealed your kindness to all peoples. Gather all nations into your Church that in all the various tongues of this world one hymn of praise may be offered you.


    Short Reading
    Romans 14:7-9

    The life and death of each of us has its influence on others; if we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord, so that alive or dead we belong to the Lord. This explains why Christ both died and came to life: it was so that he might be Lord both of the dead and of the living.


    Short Responsory

    The Lord has risen from the dead, alleluia, alleluia.
    – The Lord has risen from the dead, alleluia, alleluia.
    For our sake he died on the cross, alleluia, alleluia.
    – The Lord has risen from the dead, alleluia, alleluia.
    Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
    – The Lord has risen from the dead, alleluia, alleluia.


    The Messiah and the one who was sent before him

    Behold, I am with you all days, even till the end of the world. Alleluia.

    Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel!
    He has visited his people and redeemed them.

    He has raised up for us a mighty saviour
    in the house of David his servant,
    as he promised by the lips of holy men,
    those who were his prophets from of old.

    A saviour who would free us from our foes,
    from the hands of all who hate us.
    So his love for our fathers is fulfilled
    and his holy covenant remembered.

    He swore to Abraham our father to grant us,
    that free from fear, and saved from the hands of our foes,
    we might serve him in holiness and justice
    all the days of our life in his presence.

    As for you, little child,
    you shall be called a prophet of God, the Most High.
    You shall go ahead of the Lord
    to prepare his ways before him,

    To make known to his people their salvation
    through forgiveness of all their sins,
    the loving-kindness of the heart of our God
    who visits us like the dawn from on high.

    He will give light to those in darkness,
    those who dwell in the shadow of death,
    and guide us into the way of peace.

    Glory be to the Father and to the Son
    and to the Holy Spirit,
    as it was in the beginning,
    is now, and ever shall be,
    world without end.

    Behold, I am with you all days, even till the end of the world. Alleluia.


    Prayers and intercessions

    Strengthened by the Holy Spirit, let us join with all the baptized in giving glory to the Lord.
    – Lord Jesus, make us holy by your Spirit.

    Send your Holy Spirit into our minds and hearts;
    let us proclaim before men that you are king and Lord.
    – Lord Jesus, make us holy by your Spirit.

    Grant us a love that is genuine;
    give us respect and a real affection for one another.
    – Lord Jesus, make us holy by your Spirit.

    Renew the hearts of the faithful by your life-giving grace;
    move them to respond gladly to the gifts of the Spirit.
    – Lord Jesus, make us holy by your Spirit.

    Grant us the power of your Spirit to repair our damaged lives;
    may he turn decay into growth.
    – Lord Jesus, make us holy by your Spirit.


    Our Father, who art in heaven,
    hallowed be thy name.
    Thy kingdom come.
    Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
    Give us this day our daily bread,
    and forgive us our trespasses,
    as we forgive those who trespass against us,
    and lead us not into temptation,
    but deliver us from evil.


    Give us grace, almighty God,
    to hold fast in life and conduct
    to the mystery we have celebrated at Easter.
    Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
    who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
    one God, for ever and ever.


    The Lord bless us, and keep us from all evil, and bring us to everlasting life.

    Copyright © 1996-2020 Universalis Publishing Limited: see www.universalis.com. Scripture readings from the Jerusalem Bible are published and copyright © 1966, 1967 and 1968 by Darton, Longman & Todd, Ltd and Doubleday, a division of Random House, Inc, and used by permission of the publishers. Text of the Psalms: Copyright © 1963, The Grail (England). Used with permission of A.P. Watt Ltd. All rights reserved.