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Helena Brunnelson

July 5 - Day after Independence Day

  • I am the kind of person who likes to hear about the American history that no one likes to talk about.  I do not want to hear about what is put in the text books and such, because I feel that they are censored and regulated by those who do not want their forefaters to look bad - as if it would make them look bad.  I guess some people are paranoid like that.  But anyhoo, not many people know that I used to live in Texas while I was in the military.  I lived there for almost a total of 7 years.  7 years - Juliblee!!  Anyhoo, while I was living there, of course everyone celebrated the 4th of July - Independence Day.  The day that the United States was, officially, liberated from England.  yadda, yadda, yadda.

    But did anyone know that many African-Americans also celebrate Juneteenth?  What is Juneteenth?  Back in 1865 slavery was "officially" ended.  However, those in the South, of course, didn't agree.  Those in the south did what ever they could to keep slavery alive.  Has anyone ever heard of peonage (during the Progressive Era)?  This is also known as debt-slavery.  Anyhoo, by the time the news of slavery being abolished got to the slaves in the south - due to their education level or lack there-of, they found out approximately mid-June.  Somewhere in the 'teens.  Hence:  Juneteenth.  And in some areas the celebration lasts over several days.

    Growing up in Philadelphia, I never knew anything about this - because it wasn't in the legally approved text books.  So, I have made this celebration a part of my traditions.  My girls and I celebrate Juneteenth because it is an essential part of our history.

    This is not where my story ends...  I took this enlightening and started to apply it to many other things in my life.  For example - yes, I have read the bible.  Yes I know what it says (for the most part - I am not philosopher) and yes I knpow what my church and pator/father tells me.  But what are the NOT telling me.  What is actually being hidden from me for what ever reason - and no there is NEVER a good enough reason?  So I started my research, I have found so many things.  Now I have always been told that if I have any questions - that I should feel free to ask anyone at any time.  YEAH RIGHT!!  When I began asking the tough questions, questions that require more of an answer than 'have faith' or 'you are not strong in your faith', is when I left my church.  I was presented with SO much negativity and stand-offishness that those people actually started to disgust me.

    We must keep in mind that ignoranbce is bliss - to an extent.  Just because one person believes in something and someone disagrees or validly questions that belief - does not mean that either party is wrong in any way.  And these questions or disagreements should NEVER be met with any sort of negativity or hostility.  Because if it is - are you really being the "Good Christian" you claim yourself to be?