Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Sean Hillman


  • Hello and welcome to my blog. What I write here may make you angry or may offer you hope. Either way, all are welcome here. Who am I? Just a man with a calling of my heart. I have many such callings but all things in their time. In this time of darkness and chaos, I feel this is the place and the time to offer some perspective through the use of ministry. 


    I was born into a (mostly) Catholic family and grew up Catholic, living at least half of my life as a practicing (great word) Catholic. I was an altar boy, a Knight of Columbus (since fallen), and brought two friends into the church. I am not ashamed of any of those accomplishments. Indeed, quite the opposite. However, it was clear that my experience in life did not call me to continue as an active member of the Catholic Church. I have not rejected the church; my path just lies in a different direction.


    I joined the ULC in 2009. I have not done anything with it. All things in their time, right? I became a father in my early 40s. I still struggle to try and be a good one, a good example to my child so that they grow up to benefit the human race in general, and a happy person in particular.  My child is one reason I have picked up my ordination. The general chaos and dehumanization of people is another. All things in their time.


    I do not know and do not care why the ULC was created. It all depends on who you ask I suppose. I think it will be a useful forum for connecting to people who need that connection. I do not know exactly the final form of my ministry; it may well never stop evolving, but I suspect the journey will be damn interesting.


    Stay frosty
