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Ki'Dasa Durga

Visual Guide to the 20 Spiritual Chakras

  • I discovered the concept of 20 Spiritual Chakras in New Chakra Healing by Cyndi Dale,
    this list is based on her Chakra work.
    These are the Soul's first anchor to the material Plane they are:

    Yin: Feminine energy. Dark, receptive and negative.

    Yang: Masculine energy. Bright, projective, positive.

    Faith: The power behind our ability to Create.

    Balance of Polarities: Promotes a non-dualistic world view.

    Balance of Similarities: Aligns all that is within and without us that is similar.

    Harmony: Aligns all aspects, similar and different, to achieve a coherent Whole Being.

    Free Will and Freedom: Aligns us with our abilities and right to choose to conform to
    our higher purpose and essential needs.

    Kundalini: Provides us with the raw power necessary to materialize the spiritual (fills
    the solar plexus).

    Mastery: Provides us the ability to attain Self-Control.

    Abundance: Aligns us with the energies to attract people/situations that meet our
    Highest Purpose.

    Clarity: Right Vision. The ability to see things as they are, not how we want them to

    Knowledge of Good and Bad: Revelation of dualities in order to balance them.

    : Opens us to the energies necessary to create that which we desire.

    : Adds the dark substantial energies to protect or create that which we

    : Balances the Whole Being to allow us to serve our Divine Purpose.

    : Allows us to accept ourselves.

    : Enables us to learn from our experiences without being attached to them.

    : Allows us to channel the energy fueling our Enjoyment. Serving one's
    purpose is a source of  Bliss.

    : Surrendering to Divine Energies.

    Grace and Divine Source Consciousness: Miracle Energy.

        These points, being purely Spiritual, don't have a physical correlation. However, I
    managed to come up with a map for working with them based on the Kabbalahistic
    Tree of Life. The Tree of Life itself has 10 Spheres (Sefirot) and 22 pathways
    between them. I have simplified it, for Reiki, by using the 10 Spheres and a basic
    outline of 10 of the pathways.

    If one were to lay on top of  an outline of the Tree of Life the head would be where
    the Crown is.  The shoulders would be on Understanding (right shoulder)  and
    Wisdom (left shoulder). The elbows would be Severity (right) and Compassion (left).
    Beauty would be approximately where the Solar Plexus is. The hands would be
    Empathy (right) and Victory (left). Foundation would be about where the Sacral point
    is. The final point, Malkuth, would line up with the Ground (feet).

