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Ki'Dasa Durga

Spirituality an Umbrella term or An Updated Way?

  • Found this definition of spirituality on a medical site. I like it, seems to be rather appropriate.


    "Spirituality has been defined in numerous ways. These include: a belief in a power operating in the universe that is greater than oneself; a sense of interconnectedness with all living creatures; and an awareness of the purpose and meaning of life and the development of personal, absolute values. It's the way you find meaning, hope, comfort, and inner peace in your life. Although spirituality is often associated with religious life, many believe that personal spirituality can be developed outside of religion. Acts of compassion and selflessness, altruism, and the experience of inner peace are all characteristics of spirituality."



    This is my view on Spirituality as a whole.


    The Spiritual Trinity


    To return to the Divine Source is the goal of Spiritual Paths of any kind (with the possible exception of Satanism ;-). The requirements to fulfill this are: Faith, Fulfillment of Divine Purpose, and Purity of Spirit.


    Faith: Belief in a Divine Being and a belief in our connection to this Being. All Spiritual Paths have methods of reinforcing this connection. For example in the East Meditation, in the West Prayer.  

    Meditation/Prayer calms the Mind and allows us to be Aware of more of what it is receiving. The more we "watch" this process the quieter the Mind becomes. This quietness allows us to "hear" the voice of our Higher or True Self. This is part of us that is fully Aware of our Divine Purpose and tells us how to proceed to fulfill it.


    Fulfillment of Divine Purpose: As the communication pathways between our normal consciousness and our Higher Self widen we may begin to develop Psychic Gifts or Talents. These Talents are tools that aid us in understanding our connection to Existence. I believe they are our means of fulfilling our Divine Purpose, but I could be wrong about that ;-) Focusing primarily on the Talents themselves for their own sake is a distraction, they are merely signposts on one's personal Spiritual Journey. However, one should keep them under control so the messages they convey can be heard and understood.


    Purity of Spirit: Listening to our Higher Self and acting on it's instruction keeps us on the right Path. It is our Conscience and our innate connection to the Divine. The instructions it gives us are the Will of the Divine. Maintaining our end of this connection requires that we either free ourselves from the illusion that the Ego is who we are (Eastern Practices) or keep our Mind occupied with the Divine (Western Practices). Either way works.


    My question is this: Did I just give Spirituality a Religious flavor or am I merely pointing out the Divine aspect inherent in Spirituality?