Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Howard Slayton

Benefits of Being ULC Ordained

  • This ULC has the best website, among the many ULC websites out there, in my humble opinion. I feel it’s the finest because 1) they afford their ministers the opportunity to fellowship with one another on their own unique social media, 2) basic minister training and information is accessible from the site, 3) plus they offer a ceremony generator, 4) they educate ministers on basic wedding laws throughout the country, 5) they go to bat to defend the rights of officiants in the courts, when local governments overstep their authority, in much the same way as founder Rev. Kirby J. Hensley, 6) they make available a lot of religious news related stories thereby carrying out the fullness of defending first amendment rights, and finally, 7) they are available. I am proud to be a part of the ULCM and wanted to write this blog today to say Thank You to their staff for making it EASY to become a minister and to be able to fulfill a call that I’ve had since my childhood. I would encourage everyone to support this ministry as they have supported us. Wishing everyone well, I am Chaplain Howard!