Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Mark Robinson

A Price to Pay. . .

  •      As of this writing, my eldest son is supposed to be on his way back from Fallujah to Baghdad (via helicoptor, I might add), Iraq.  He's been there since a bit before Thanksgiving of last year, his Army Reserve unit having been deployed to "assist" the reg. ops. in processing orders, gathering depleted and en-expelled ordinace, and so on.  In general, I am not at all concerned with his being there, as he is a liaison between unit command and operations--which means, he processes orders and filters them down to operations--the front active line-units.  Which means, he rarely leaves the FOB, which is Department of Defense (DOD) jargon for Forward Operational Base.

         As a staff sergeant, Jefferson (the afore-mentined eldest son) has security clearance equal to, say, a junior member of the CIA, NSA, or, whatever.  So when the ranking ops officer (a lieutenent) took ill just as an upcoming off-base mission was brewing, the powers that be "volunteered" my son to take her place.  He was the only qualifying (non-commissioned) officer to fill her shoes, as it were.  All well and good.  Except for the fact that the "relief" mission was a flight away, across the Iraqi desert, which houses anti-American insurgents, and Al-Qeida.  Oh, and sandstorms.

         To make matters even more interesting, I spoke with my son, via Skype, last Saturday (April 23), and we talked for two and a half hours.  Interestingly, as we conversed, he had an unloaded side-arm (Beretta 9 mil.), which he absently kept cocking and dry-firing.  When I asked him why he insisted on doing this, he chuckled and replied, "I don't know, it's just, fun."  Fun. 

         My point, here, I guess (if there is one), is that, no matter what path we choose in life, no matter what we do, or don't do, there is a price to pay.  Whether a warrior or peace-seeker, a trade-off seems to be involved.  Does a priest take pride in drawing his holy symbol on a defiant fallen one?  I believe so.  Does a warrior take pride in drawing his weapon on a defiant enemy?  Damn straight. 

         On the other hand, every decision we make, every action we carry out, also has its benefits.  Or CAN have, anyway.  My hope is that, during life, we do not lose our intrinsic worth as God's children.  Try not to lose faith, as that is all we have.  Thank you, all/.

         By the by, my son's return is 36 hours overdue. 

         Love you all,


1 comment
  • Pastor Jimmy Day
    Pastor Jimmy Day God bless him and all my brothers in ARMS may he and his unit return home safe and all as one ... I am a Desert storm veteran; I was in from 1989-1992 .SPC J.Day 24th Infantry Division Semper Primus and god bless
    April 28, 2011