Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

David Koontz

instruction manual

  • Have you ever gotten something that you had to assemble? When you open the package you take it and see a manual on how to put it together and say "I got this" only after many mistakes and much frustration you go back and get the manual and after following the instructions everything comes together. This is the same as with our lives.For years I would say I got this but little did I know at the time I did not.We have a manual . It is the holy Bible and God put it there for us to know how to put our lives together. We may often think we can figure it out by ourselves but we are wrong. We need his words to follow. The Holy Spirit is our guide so we may grasp the instructions and apply them as we go on. Think of how many fewer mistakes we would make if we follow the instructions from the beginning.I have said "I got this" but only to realise that I did not. Now I put my life in His hands and follow His instruction manual. I still make mistakes but they are fewer than when I did not follow the instructions. Thank you Lord for giving me a manual to build my life around you.Amen

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