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Pastor John R. Harvey D.D.

The Urge To Sin

  • We all struggle with temptation. In fact, even Jesus was tempted, but He resisted and never sinned. From this, it’s clear that experiencing temptation is not in itself a transgression. However, if we let the enticement take root in our thoughts, we are heading toward sin. Obviously, taking action on a wrong yearning is sinful, but Scripture tells us that entertaining the evil desire is as well (Col. 3:5).


    So where does the urge to sin come from? The source is threefold: Temptation comes from our own lusts (James 1:14), the devil (Matt. 4:1), and the world system organized under Satan’s authority (1 John 5:19). Until Christ returns, mankind will live in its current fallen condition—and we will be tempted by self-indulgent pursuits and Satan’s ploys to turn us from the Lord. 


    The tempting circumstances we encounter are not unique to us; others have faced similar situations. Although God doesn’t promise to rescue us from all temptations, He limits them and provides a way of escape so we can endure without yielding to sin. 


    Whenever something is tempting you, draw near in submission to God and resist the devil (James 4:7-8). Then ask the Lord for the grace and strength to stand firm against sin.