Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Pastor John R. Harvey D.D.

Walk By Faith

  • A church is able to stand firm in Christ when its members walk by faith, not sight. Just as our salvation came through belief rather than feelings, our daily decisions should be made the same way—but this is contrary to the world’s approach.

    Society rewards self-assurance and independence, and it relies on what we can see. But Scripture reveals the foolishness of depending solely on our circumstances or other people (Jer. 17:5-6). Instead, our confidence is to be placed in Jesus, and we are to rely on Him. In fact, Proverbs 3:5-6 says we’re not to lean on our own understanding at all. 


    If the church is to remain faithful, we must get daily spiritual nourishment directly from God’s Word. Through study and application—both individually and corporately—we will learn to be guided by the Lord’s wisdom and to let false doctrine and error “go in one ear and out the other.”


    A church body that is knitted together in love, unity, and belief in Jesus will be immovable in the world. Does this describe you and your church? Take a moment to pray for faithful fellowship among believers and for a foundation of strong belief.