Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

peter Chamberland


  • Balance in life is important in all walks. We live in a practical world where some things are unavoidable. We take care of our daily tasks when we wake up, when we go out into the world we interact with people who are on their own paths. Often times the daily grind can get to us. We find ourselves repeating the same things over and over. Sometimes even getting cabin fever and going crazy. It's important to build discipline about a daily activity and not neglect our essentials, but it's also important not to miss the wonder that the world has to provide. In many ways I respect the bible for this fact. It speaks of giants in the days of old, heroes of renown, it speaks of behemoths and leviathans and mystical encounters with angels and spirits. When we strive to live the spiritual path, a path of adventure, it turns the everyday world into a world of glory. Who knows what the spiritual path will bring to you in your endeavors upon your daily routine. Nothing but blessings I hope the best for everyone reading.