Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

peter Chamberland

What is Prayer

  • Prayer is a healing force and spiritual knowledge. Prayer is a process of connecting to your inner being. Your inner man. Prayer allows us to find hope and peace in times of trouble. Prayer is a way of declaration and invocation. Prayer is a form of devotion, a way to build spiritual power in humility and esteem. Prayer builds self awareness and a positive mind. It was difficult for me to adjust within a spiritual satanist mindset to positive prayer and reasons for praying. I come from a Christian and atheist Satanist background. Atheist satanism shuns terms like hope and prayer which I find to be a lethal substance of weakness. Hopeless people are easier to manipulate. A cult of personality and a formation of dogma can take place easily without hope. And it is common knowledge in the mental health world that hopelessness is a symptom of depression. Hope is just a standard that you have to learn to balance with proactivity. If you just sit and hope to win the lottery without even purchasing the tickets, good luck! On advanced levels we look at things like hope in similar ways and find bitterness and envy when things don't work out our way. It's easy to gravitate to envy and look for destructive emotions. It's almost as easy as having a second nature. While those things are destructive and easy to access, prayer and knowledge with conscious effort takes exactly that. When someone ignorantly tells you some piece of information that is inaccurate and you know it, it can be easy to lash out and just destroy someone's sense of knowledge, and in totality it will not benefit you in the long run to gain a convert by condemning them for what they believe. It doesn't work that way. On social media I've seen a Christian individual attacking satanists in the name of Jesus, and then saying Jesus loved them after a barrage of middle finger statements and hostility. I would be totally unimpressed and in concern of IQ levels if that Christian was surprised at those responses of hostility. According to scriptures that is not how Christians are to act. I do have an old roommate friend who is Christian who disagrees with satanism, but we still go out to eat once and a while. He says a prayer over the food and I disagree with it, but I keep my silence. I know arguing about it and bringing up some type of authority on the topic would be wrong for me to do. It is with this attitude of common place neutrality that I focus on most of my interractions and I feel much better that way. There have been times with certain groups I wish I could have just shrunk into a fly on the wall not to be noticed with them because they seemed so foolish. These were the gung-ho born again type that would interrupt diners and public parks with witnessing. I could only take so much. Prayer to Satan seems unthinkable and from the standard Christian elements of thought about Satan is does not make sense. It does not make sense to try and be possessed or invoke ultimate evil into your life. But over twenty years now I have not ever been exorcised and have studied and read literature from medieval and Greek and Roman necromancy, demonolatry and foreign trends like Santa Muerte and voodoo. I do not consider myself to be fully possessed, or even oppressed. I've in fact been very fortunate in my life to live like a king while others were living in total wasteful poverish existence in complete depravity. I am not condemning them for living that way at all. I just respect the fact that I have what I do. And during this process of mental recovery in my life from mindless stupidity and illness, prayer has become a major factor in my life. It is a total healing force, I believe regardless of what deity you pray to. There are certain elements of protectiveness about prayer. A certain sanctity of it that elevates our awareness to new levels. I am so glad that I am not in the same situation I was fifteen years ago. I am so glad that I have learned what I have and have done what I've done. I am very grateful for my recovery and my optimism and my focuses at the current time and capacity to enjoy a warm bed, a warm room and food in my stomach, and a way even to connect to the outer world via internet access. I am so very grateful for that activity and encourage anyone going through difficult times to make prayer a standard daily effort to watch changes in your life take effect. Peace and blessings.