Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

peter Chamberland

Practical Reality

  • My goal is not to be some big shot satanist who is famous for some type of activity. My goal is not to fraud people with false claims and mega faith statements to cause jeapordy in someone's life. My goal is not to cause harm overall actually. My goal is to practically endeavor myself with the job of ministry as a satanist, and a spiritual theistic one at that. I hope to make impact in the daily lives of people who are struggling with life in various ways. To provide relief in a world where things are hard. I wish in some ways that I would have come across my path of choice differently. That I was some type of prodigy or genius independently aware of my capacity to achieve greatness all on my own two feet. I wish in some ways that i could have invented Satanism all together. But the simple truth is I didn't and there are other books out there that speak of what I talk about in different ways. If I could add my benefit to the world in some way in practical forms it would be the message not to mess up. Don't mess up your life by not thinking. Don't get caught up in legal troubles. Don't forsake your options for livelihood to be limited. Be smart. Don't just follow blindly what someone says. Analyze and ask questions. Ask yourself if someone really is truly happy following what they believe? Is it some type of non trusted short term effect in their life, that they get to church because they are on probation and promised god if he got them out of trouble they would never mess up again? Or are they really inquiring about the fact of life and the way things are? Are they following it just because their family follows it and they want to do what their family says? Or are they really working on what they say? Ask this in terms of what I present as well. Do I appear like and actually know what I'm talking about from experience and sincerely following what I want to accomplish, or am I just responding opposite what people are saying because they goto church and such? I hope that people see that I really have a sincere desire and heart for attaining my purpose in life and actually desire to listen for the sheer sake of practicality. Don't just like someone, even me, because they are smooth talkers and can run a good game. Know your stuff. Begin your practical and intellectual persuits of inquiry by discerning where you want to go and what you want to be. I did not think that I would be a minister last year, and even the year before. I did not think I would even be a spiritual orientated satanist. But here I am, and I'm thinking things through for the first time in my life all too late at the good old age of forty years old. Don't get caught up in the hype behind satanism, don't listen to rumours and schemes where everything is all laid out in perfect order because someone knows how to think a b c and x y z type arguments. Think practically. Are you happy with where you are at? Are you where you really want to be? Are you afraid to change because of condemnation about some different path or what others will think of you? If so it may be time to think of some new circumstances. To think of some new growth in your life and take some different options. I can promise that if you whole heartedly look into things for your benefit and well-being, you will not be disappointed. I hope you the best in your endeavors.