Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

peter Chamberland


  • As a member of the satanic temple I can completely agree with the statement about the pursuit of justice always being more than the written word. There is a sense within us as human beings of right and wrong. We know the basics, and I would argue that even a native out in the boondocks somewhere distant has the knowledge within them of basics. Like stealing is wrong. The basic psychology of ownership and rightful belongings is very basic psychology on mass levels. Someone owns food, another person cannot take it without permission. It's that simple. This inherent fact within us as human species is one thing that separates us from the animal species. However worse we may be on consistent occasions than those on all fours. The simple feelings when something is not right. When something needs to be done. When someone needs to stand up for others as a sense of justice, is also inherent within the human species. This I believe to be the essential message of who satan really is, even within classical Christian connotations of a fallen angel. Typically he is viewed as a murderous scum bag of an individual depraved of any morality whatsoever, even called the lawless one by many. But what if the tables were reversed? What if there was more than meets the eye about the morning star that was actually a rebellion against a tyrant? There's a little verse in revelation that I feel does portray more than meets the eye about what is going on. In revelation twenty two, Jesus himself says, I Jesus, am the morning star. This is in reference to the idea of how people typically view Lucifer as the morning star from Isaiah 14. When you get to advanced definitions of gods name and the character of who your dealing with it's quite evident to me that there is many more than just one god. Sophia was in the beginning with god. So was Jesus. By implications there was a time Satan was in the presence of god. (job 1) so we see that there is more to things than meets the eye. When someone puts down a divine law and states it's authoritative in any case whatsoever. Justice should prevail to the point where no blind eye is turned toward tyranny. Usually satanists and wiccans alike are considered fringe theories of certain sorts. They are not so recognized within the official capacity as they are not actually official denominations of the Christian church. Things need to go beyond taking the written word in stone to the sense of prevailing justice, and equal rights needs to be administered. What a person believes should not be such a limitation that is dictated by others. People should be nourished and a sense of empathy and compassion should be fostered for all existence. This is another reason why I can be a member to the satanic temple. More and more I see hateful responses in the public media towards those with different views and it is appalling that just a different belief can strike this within human beings. Please don't just follow the crowd. Be independent and hold your own views