Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

peter Chamberland


  • Living by faith is reflecting on your god day by day for your purposes and intentions in what you do every moment, for every moment in life counts, and at any given time we have access to decide our destiny. This entails the attitude of asking god what he wants you to do. To live to your fullest potential possible. In the satanist perspective of things, I see Satan as God of this world. The original creator god, not fallen, but challenged all the time by those without. The major war is over. But battles still rage. I believe much of the energy behind the fictitious entity known as Christ is egreggoric. Believers place their intentions within the universe to gather followers and live how they see fit. So we still must be wary. Much of life is a test of loyalty. Dividing the wolf from the sheep and testing the leaders from the followers… on this point we must always be weary and alert, and ask the question how can I benefit the infernal kingdom today? Are you willing to stand out from the rest, and make a stand for what is right, true, and just. Are you willing to be identified as a Satanist and have the ammunition to back up your claims and beliefs? The life of a satanist may be a bit rough for someone used to social comforts of fellowship. For the whole entire region of a county or city might only have a few authentic satanists. I know in twenty years I've met only two others who have identified with what I believe independently. But I am assured of the road I take is one of truth. It is one with bigger pictures in mind, and it is very satisfying. I hope to reach people with the message. The message to stand strong like warriors and take life challenges head on. To practice and reform and practice again until things are right. Many people are on very basic levels. Very basic understanding of things overall. Many people struggle with day to day things, and in some ways, that's okay. We all do at some point. Just as long as you don't give up. Never give up. Persistence is key to success. Try and try again and things will eventually fold and crumble to your will.