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peter Chamberland

Deserved Respect...

  • Respect is for those who deserve it, not those that demand it... 

    Often times I hear common statements of fallacious nature about respect. People state that someone with bad hygiene has no respect. People will say that people who don’t follow typical society norms have no respect. People will say if you throw a cigarrette butt on the ground you don’t have respect for others. A common statement that I hear as well is if you don’t have respect, what do you have? My response to that is You already don’t have jack squat, so quit whining.  

    People who deserve respect are few in number. Someone whose actually made it on their own two feet who don’t whine and complain about status quo news that they don’t have an understanding about. Someone who complains about military endeavors who was only in for two years and thinks they were some type of sargent or something is not deserving respect, because they demand it.  

    I judge. It’s that simple. I am not Christian. I am not Christian orientated. So I do not believe Judge not lest thou be judged. I judge. Someone who has been to prison twenty times in their life, does not deserve the same respect as someone who worked as a teacher for twenty years or lead a business as a ceo for their whole lives. Someone who does drugs and drinks is not the same as someone who has never touched a beverage in their life time. And just because pot is legal in most states, I still don’t believe that makes it healthy or okay.  

    Yes. I judge. I judge others as less than myself because I know from experience a better life. I am not here to provide finances and gain for others to experience the same life I had, or be a benefit to the homeless, just because for ten years I was homeless myself.  

    In fact, I would say that the large majority of homeless individuals get their themselves regardless of their conditions.  

    Crime is rampant in homeless situations, and criminals do not deserve the same thing as a nobel peace prize winner. Criminals and pedophiles do not deserve the same thing as a doctor who gets educated and puts the time and effort into studies for years to live his profession. 

    It’s a matter of responsibility. And responsibility goes to the responsible. There are those leeches out their who would take advantage of every single second that someone had to offer and every single cent available to take. There are those who would live without their means and deplete, and the idea of equality is largely skewed to include the vaganond criminal type who don’t deserve the same thing just for being human that someone who is an upstanding member to society gets. 

    We do have levels of lessons in life to learn. We do have important things to take in and a process to understand, for me, Christianity does not get included in this way, and often times I get disgusted with the simple stupidity behind such statements of typical composition that people don’t have respect these days. No, they don’t and people don’t deserve it either.