Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

peter Chamberland

Daily Divination...

  • Tap is about gaining knowledge, travel, and possible new positions. Ask what can you do to increase your position wherever you’re at? What can be done with the whole process to learn something from this? Life is always a continual process of learning. When you’re not its time to wonder about the next step. 

    Strength of Tap Adramelech 

    Adramelech is about appearances which can be deceiving and used to deceive. The specific advice is to beware of those who are dressed to impress but don’t have any substance. Remember that a sin within the church of Satan statement is Pretentiousness, which deals with false posturing. A classic statement that I’ve heard before is that the Road to Hell is paved with good intentions, which in certain context is ironic, when you are sincere and authentic in your mannerisms and your approach, it is better than a façade for personal benefit. 

    Wisdom of Tap Barbatos 

    Barbatos reminds us that we are only human after all, and that we follow our nature. As such we should understand nature, the place of our dominion, where man resides. We should seek to incorporate wisdom from nature every day, and look to spiritual knowledge of the abyss through it...