Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Peter Schmalenbach · Germany · L.A.M.

That‘s how we are

  • ... we humans


    In the long development history of mankind, we have detached ourselves more

    and more from the totality of the living beings, one could also say, emphasized.


    Already today we can say that this is not and was not always to the advantage

    of creation, because we have "sustainably" brought a "disturbance", even harm

    into the world.


    But what about our inner life ?


    The demands of our modern environment and living conditions can often tear us

    apart inside, because we are almost "encouraged" to think everything over, to plan

    ahead and to weigh. This can sometimes lead to an oppressive perception of our

    own (performance) limits.


    How can we let the waves smooth out again ?


    In many Buddhist approaches, the conscious experience and perception of the here

    and now is emphasized, because both the past and the future are actually not real.


    But what do we do (so readily) ?


    We tend to "dig around" in the past or to project fears into the future. But just our

    currently happening present falls "by the wayside", which can actually lead to a

    restriction of our quality of life.


    Do I have to become a Buddhist because of that ?


    No, of course not, although we should respect this form of religion in any case.

    The Jesuit Father Hugo M. Enomiya Lassalle was a German-Japanese Jesuit and

    Zen Master and can be seen as a pioneer of the Christian-Buddhist dialogue, where

    we can also discover helpful and interesting approaches and hints for our life design

    and orientation.


    But of course the thoughts of the Dalai Lama, Thích Nhất Hạnh and others can

    develop new perspectives in us, which contribute to consciously experience and

    appreciate our unique life.


    To these thoughts is then added the certainty of our Christian faith, which "tells"

    us that we are accompanied, advised and protected at all times and everywhere,

    precisely omnipresent - all in all supporting pillars that we "only" have to discover

    for ourselves.


    In the hope that we will all find the ways to an inner contentment, I greet you again

    warmly and say,


    See you soon
