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Elder Scrolls Online reveals the rewards in the Blackwood bount

  • During the Blackwood bounty event, Elder Scrolls Online players will be able to receive many unique rewards. In a previous blog post, Zenimax revealed what kind of rewards players can get from the Blackwood bounty campaign. Starting from September 30th and continuing until October 12th, in addition to buy ESO Gold, players can also unite to promote the community schedule and get new rewards.

    In 33% of cases, the owner of the Blackwood expansion will receive a Pellucid Swamp Jelly pet. In 66% of cases, a cosmetic mark called The Shadows Of Blackwood will be distributed. At 100%, there will be two rewards available. The first reward for 100% progress is a cascading bounty box, which has the opportunity to include "fearless plunder, rare materials or item sets", but "guarantees include adjustable crafting stations and unique Orgrim target dummies ". Players can enjoy various rewards while earning some Elder Scrolls Online Gold.

    The second reward for reaching 100% is the "Mystery Prize", which will be announced in the "Forgotten Gate" year-end live broadcast on October 5th. Although I don't know what it will contain, the blog states that "this is great, it's worth the adventure to the dangerous wilderness of Blackwood". During the expedition, players had better prepare enough ESO Gold to enhance their strength. The event will also reward players with the honorable Blackwood envoy treasure chest after completing the first daily mission of the day in Blackwood. This may include all kinds of loot, including pieces of black wood furniture and Voriplasm pets.

    Some time ago, the studio revealed that Game Of Thrones composer Ramin Djawadi and Brandon Campbell collaborated to create the soundtrack for MMO. In other news, Super Monkey Ball will come to Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout in familiar costumes. All interested players, if they want to have a better performance in the game, then they can Buy ESO Gold in advance.