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Reverend Deborah

The Forgotten

  • For those who “think this was just a story,” and you have “heard” it before, you have not. Let me explain that it wasn't just a story-because this is the first time, I have written this. I have no idea about what others have written about something like this. This comes from my heart and soul, not from any “story.”  I write from my thoughts, heart, and soul. 

    The Forgotten


    My name is Deborah, pronounced; Deb-or-ah, and as we go about our days and nights, have we taken the time to care for others? Are we being true to what it means to be a Christian? It has come to my attention, that not only are we not making sure to take care of ourselves, but we also aren't looking out for others.
    As we are resting warmly in our homes with plenty to eat, we need to take the time to care for those who are homeless. There are too many that don't even have the basics.

    Now, sit back and close your eyes. With your eyes closed, try to picture yourself out in the cold. Now, for whatever reason, you have had your lights turned off, as well as your water, so, you have a place, but no way to stay warm, get clean, heat up food (if you have any). Hey, at least you are out of the wind and snow (if it is snowing). The next thing you know is you have to move out. You didn't have the money to pay your bills, so how now are you going to do, as it cost money to get another place. Even if you could get another place, how are you going to get the power and water turned on? Most likely, your situation has made it impossible for you to get another place. Now, you are out in the cold, you look around for a place to get warm. Maybe tonight you will have to sleep under the cover of a bridge; maybe, you have a tent, but where are you going to put it up, and where are you going to get matches to at least make a fire? Are you in a place where you can make some type of fire pit with whatever wood you could find? You are freezing, dirty, and even with a fire, what are you going to cover up within the tent, while still watching the fire, so it doesn't get out of control? If you get any sleep from being so cold, how are you going to get something to eat as you have no money? This goes on for who knows how long before the authorities tell you that you can't have your tent (if you are lucky to have one, that is) in the location you have been staying in. You pray and pray as we know in Scripture that God will provide, but why are you freezing, dirty to the point of smelling, and starving? You have been a good Christian and even help others the best you can. Furthermore, you try to find work, but no one wants to hire someone who can't even take care of themselves. Why have I made you close your eyes and picture yourself in this kind of situation? The truth is, we all need to remember God created each one of us. We are to love God and our neighbors as He loves us. There are too many “Christians” who are only Christian by name and not by God's law. Too many people claim to be Christian, yet they don't do His work.

    I was at a store a while back and what I saw broke my heart. There was a gentleman going through the garbage cans. Most people would just say they have only themselves to blame for being homeless, but this gentleman was trying to protect himself. He was going through the garbage cans looking for a “mask”! It didn't matter that someone else had thrown it away (and who knows if they had COVID-19), he was trying not to get it.

    I went home and called the homeless shelter right away. I didn't have much, but one way or another I was going to make masks to give them. Not only that, but I didn't have a sewing machine and not much in the means for materials. I took what little material I had left and started to draw out a pattern for the masks. I cut out what I could and started to hand sew these masks, as I wasn't going to see another person going through the trash-if I could help.

    As my family watched me day and night working on sewing the masks, the next thing I knew, there were supplies coming in. I will tell you this choked me up and in tears as I started seeing others wanting to give me supplies. (I was even given a sewing machine early for my birthday, so I didn't have to hand sew the mask anymore)! God always provides! It took me some time to get the amount done that was originally given to me, but I was able to get them completed. When I called the homeless shelter again to make sure I had enough, I was told there were more needed. I had some extras, so I took them and made the remaining amount required. With the supplies I was given, I was able to make over fifty masks for the homeless free. I had enough been able to get Hoover HEPA bags for the filters. I made the masks where the filters could be taken out and cleaned until it wouldn't be safe, in which I also gave them a replacement filter.

    Furthermore, I do not take any credit for what was done, because it was God who provided me with the skill to sew and a heart to care for others. Not only that, but I wasn't there to see the faces of those who received those masks.

    Please don't forget our brothers and sisters out there in the elements with nothing and nowhere to go to get warm. Scripture tells us that all we have to do is ask (pray). If you can't actually do something, pray every day for them.

    Thank you for reading my post. Now, back to my studies. Love your sister in Christ!


1 comment
  • Gail Dobson likes this
  • Gail Dobson
    Gail Dobson Great story. I first heard it about a girl in... Africa, maybe? Anyway, storyteller also thanks "god", tho *people* donated supplies, money, etc. and the heroine donated her time and effort. People should take credit (or responsibility) for their own deed...  more
    December 9, 2021