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Reverend Doctor John Reuling Sr. of The NCO

The Bankers' Budgetdebt

  • The financial elite whose only response to our country's financial crisis it has created has even more draconian attacks on the social conditions of our people. Budget cuts have been drawn up in continual and close contact with a handful of banking executives who have the ultimate say over money policy in our country. At the head of this ruling class stands the Obama administration which is insisting that the $2.4 trillion in cuts contained in the latest budget agreement is only a "first step" in a historic assault on our social rights from our health care to our public education. White House Chief of Staff William Daley-himself a former JP Morgan Chase executive and others from American Express and Honeywell were doing these buget cuts not the Congress.                                                                                                            

    The financial elite presides over an economic system which is dedicated to one principle:

    the defense of the wealth of the rich class and the profits of the banks and major corporations.

    With millions unemployed and without the prospects of a job, our government is moving to cut unemployment benefits. Deliberately left out of Obama's budget was any extension of benefits for more than 3 million long-term jobless workers who could see their only source of income disappear in early 2012. The number of Americans on food stamps rose to an all-time high of 45.8 million-or 15% of our population. AS our spending and wages fall, the sales of luxury goods to the wealthy is going sky high. Like-$1,650 Creme de la Mer facial creams, $2,495 Louboutin suede boots, $11,950 Gucci coats and $200,000 Mercedes Benz sedans, as only a start. After the Obama bailout made the bankers whole and provided the wealthy with virtually free credit. The claim our government says "no money" to public funding programs is a lie. As you can see the richest 1% in the USA controls a greater proporation of the national wealth than ever before. Corporate profits and CEO pay have already outstripped their pre-cash levels. Our problem is not a lack of money, but the irrational and socially destructive subordination of our human needs to the accumulation of vast personal wealth by a parasitic elite. Does anyone like to comment on any solution to these problems?

    Thank You & God Bless.   Rev. John.


  • Rev. Walter Rosenthal
    Rev. Walter Rosenthal I disagree. It's ONLY the government that can do this, because the private sector will not, as long as we continue with a capitalist system. The constitution absolutely provides for this in the preamble; We the people... In order to form a more perfect un...  more
    August 14, 2011
  • Reverend Doctor John Reuling Sr. of The NCO
    Reverend Doctor John Reuling Sr. of The NCO Thank You Gentlemen, for your quick response to my blog. I do agree with Rev. Walter in what he says, however, we can use the system that is now in place, like the Congress to obtain our goal for the people in need. First, I must say that I reject the ent...  more
    August 14, 2011
  • Mark Noeth O.D.H., Esoteric Theorist and Practioner
    Mark Noeth O.D.H., Esoteric Theorist and Practioner We need caps on the amount of wealth an individual can possess. I believe once a person reaches say 5 million dollars. The rest should go to the Government. Why would anyone need more than that. Their are people with just silly amounts of wealth.
    August 16, 2011
  • Rev. Dr. Dean And Rev. Barbara Rose
    Rev. Dr. Dean And Rev. Barbara Rose I (Dean) have to agree with Walter. Our constitution needs to be changed or replaced. We need a social democracy now. Since the rich refuse to use their money to help others, they must be forced to part with it. The government must disolve this huge gap b...  more
    August 16, 2011