Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Reverend Doctor John Reuling Sr. of The NCO

Going Broke!

  • I believe no other civilized nation would have tolerated such a scandalous and shameful record of neglect for as long as we have with our nation's health care as it is today. Do you know that 40 million of our fellow citizens who, because of poverty, illness or unemployment, must now live without any health care coverage? A nation that forgets to take care of it's own citizens ends up in the dust bin of history. Both parties Democrats and Republicans have showed us their true nature. They have continued to fan the fires of fear, hatred and confusion, hoping to advance their own selfish interests. Really, their reputation as public servants has diminished to be a public nuisance. Anyone who wants 17,000 new IRS agents sniffing around and digging into your bank accounts to enforce new rules is probably already on the entitlement mentality and can't be saved.

        The fabric of freedom in this country has been altered in a negative way. Control of business and auto making industry, banking, health care and student loans by our present government.

    They have trampled the Constitution en route to taking over one-sixth of the economy and they are not even close to being done yet. They want the price of gas up to control our behavior through the price of economic pain. Cap and tax raises are next and the assault on our freedom is not likely to go away anytime soon. I shed tears for my country, her future, her lost freedoms, and the beginning of socialism that our children shall inherit. I am full of mixed emotions; boiling over with anger, sadness and disbelief that we now look forward to a life of living in economic slavery.

        Your comments are welcome here. Thank You.
