Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Reverend Doctor John Reuling Sr. of The NCO

Electoral College Must Go.

  • Regardless of Election Day's results, it's time to call the Electoral College what it truly is-immoral. Obtaining equal voting rights has been a struggle in the United States since our inception. We immorally excluded women and entire ethnicities. We now find it palatable to ignore the minority vote in our winner-takes-all system.

       A vote for Mitt Romney in my State of Maryland was a vote for zero, nothing, zilch. The same can be said about a vote for Barrack Obama in Texas. It's time to resurrect the 91st Congress' attempt to abolish this antiquated and immoral system that systematically ignores large portions of the voting populace. Imagine a United States where every vote counts equally. Currently, you and I are not permitted to vote for the President of the United States where every vote counts equally. A "college of electors" will do that based on how Maryland votes. Election Day is really December 17th. That is the day the President of the United States will be elected by 538 individuals.

       It is possible for the winner of such a vote to have won a minority of the states and a minority of the popular vote. This possibility alone proves that the system is seriously flawed and should be abandoned.

       Thank You for reading my blog and your comments are very welcome by this writer.
