Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Pre or Post - Union / Marriage Spiritual Healing

  • Pre-marriage / Post-marriage exploration:

    For a happy union with another person, and with yourself, releasing all of the emotional and spiritual baggage of your past can give you a fresh start to your spiritual union / marriage.

    Within the Union: Do you have expectations of your new partner? Do they have expectations of you? What is your definition of commitment? Does your partner have the same definition? What will happen if these expectations are not met? These are some of the questions many couples do not explore before entering into a union, or that come up once the union has taken place.

    How will you feel if you do not think your needs are being met? What are your needs? Do they mesh with the person you have a union or marriage with?

    Are you operating from old programing? Learned consciously or unconsciously?

    If you would like to explore spiritual / emotional release in an easy and fast way please contact me.

    I am Spiritual Healer of old traumas, hurts, grief, guilt, shame and other emotional and spiritual pains - without weeks and weeks of dredging up the past and the emotional expense involved in long traditional talk sessions.

    These traumas can be conscious or unconscious. In other words, we can't put our finger on them, or perhaps we can, but they always give us a feel of unease in our own skin / being.

    What would it feel like to enter or be in your union / marriage with a free and happy spirit? How joyful would that be?

    Call me for a free no cost initial consultation to explore these ideas.

    All information is strictly confidential. You don't even need to express in words the details of what these traumas are. You can still be free of them - permanently. I can give you these tools that will last a life time.

    ~~ Lift yourself up and you shall lift others on your way. ~~