Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev., Jacqueline Bosse

From the book "Law of Attraction, The Bigger Picture" by Aine Belton 2007

  • To manifest is to bring into form. It is the physical realization of your thoughts, feelings, eliefs, attitudes, choices and decisions. You are manifesting all of the time whether you are conscious of it or not.

    The concept of reality creation is by no means new. The wisest of mystics, quantum physicists and expert manifestors alike all share an understanding of the nature of reality and a belief that we are source, not subject, of our world.

    Everyting is energy! When you break matter down to the sub-atomic level it is not the solid stuff you believe it to be. As quantum physics now proves, your physical world is comprised of wavelengths of energy that respond directly to our thoughts.

    You world is not separate from you; what's more, it is malleable. Reality is a vibrating field of consciousness, an interconnected web of light, a sea of energy and infinite possibility sourced in love. When you learn to harness and direct this energy there are no limits to what you can create.

    Your thoughts and feelings are the tools with which you craft your world quite literally. You have within you all the resources you need to create the life of your dreams right now!