Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev., Jacqueline Bosse

Recent Entries

  • Frustration

    Ah we all feel it. Like Doug would say in the tv show King of Queens "frustratiiioooooonnnnnn".  Sometimes we get frustrated because we didn't eat or rest enough, sometimes it's because we ate and rested too much. Sometimes it's because we're caught off guard ...
  • Life

    Life is the most wonderful gift. It's my opinion that we have had a life since creation and that this realm we now live in is an experience we volunteered for either by curiosity, duty or grand design.  Things will happen, good and not so good all life long.  Thoughts will come i...
  • From the book "Law of Attraction, The Bigger Picture" by Aine Belton 2007

    To manifest is to bring into form. It is the physical realization of your thoughts, feelings, eliefs, attitudes, choices and decisions. You are manifesting all of the time whether you are conscious of it or not. The concept of reality creation is by no means new. The wisest of mystics, quantum phys...
  • Mindset, where's yours?

    We are amazing creatures. Able to become magnets for the things we think about the most and those things that bring out the most passion within us (good or bad) so choose your mindset carefully friends because you alone make all the difference.  No one does anything to you or can say anyti...