Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev., Jacqueline Bosse


  • Ah we all feel it. Like Doug would say in the tv show King of Queens "frustratiiioooooonnnnnn".  Sometimes we get frustrated because we didn't eat or rest enough, sometimes it's because we ate and rested too much. Sometimes it's because we're caught off guard by opposing look, postures, gestures or words that ruffle our delicate disposition of that current day or we could be realistic and honest and say it's because we haven't practiced or mastered observing and reflecting instead of re-acting.  We get frustrated because of a stain, scratch, rip, missed call, flat tire etc. Really... Donnez-moi un break today....  When you think that families stop talking or visiting because of a scratched table that ended up burning in a house fire anyway.  I know that we instinctively know that we have a healthier sense of priorities than this. It's all about choices.  We own 100% of our decision making power ever second of the day.

    I feel we mostly forget to appreciate the experience, each other and the chance to grow and learn from each other and the circumstances we create.  Yep, here I go again... Our conscious mind handles 4% of our reality - it's the commander, the captain the part of us that gives the orders.  Our subconscious is the crew - I'm a broken record I know...  I repeat this over and over and will keep repeating over and over that our sub-conscious handles the rest, that's 96% of what we experience in our lives, it gets the job done and it has a "one word vocabulary" YES.  Yes to what you say when your negative, yes to what you say when you're positive.  I am like everyone, I get frustrated... I get very frustrated sometimes and I've chosen it, brought it closer to me, lived it, disliked it but still made it bigger, twirled it around a few times, made a wonderful creation of messy frustrated emotions that rival Picasso's artwork.

    I believe that frustrations happen when the brain starts ruling, it wants to run the show but it's not meant to.  Our brain is a computer, its job is to compute, to find solutions, ideas, resources, to create your beautiful images of your perfect life.  It needs to be whipped into shape to help us attract awesome people and things without any limit to what we ask. The job the brain "thinks" it has is to keep us in the familiar, grounded in the tried and true BECAUSE we know how to deal with that! But success.... what do you do? Where do you go? How do you cope?  

    Our brain is not meant to tell us what is right for us, our heart is and it really really wants the job!  We need to shut our brain off when it's not needed and the sooner the better because years of noise privileges can't be taken away easily so get crackin'.  It takes a little practice to learn to quiet the mind.  Eckhart Tolle can help you with that.  Give your best effort to absorb his books and let your sub-conscious mind handle the rest.  When we understand that our sub-conscious mind is the divine part of you connected to God, we start to trust it.  You should... it wants 20 times more for you than you want for yourself.  You just need to know what it is you want as crystal clear as you can make it in any and every way that makes sense to you.  Don't worry too much about frustration.  Getting frustrated will happen regularly to different levels because we are feeling and caring beings.  We just need to choose better what we want to spend energy and attention on.  I admit that I have moments when I catch myself too late or just plainly don't want to resist the urge of getting wound-up in a story that in the end makes no sense even if I prove a point but I'm proud of the fact that in the moment I am now conscious of what my brain is doing and it helps to keep the brain in check.

    What I now understand of myself when I get frustrated is that I'm passionate and that with great passion come great caring so I make a valliant effort to take it easy on myself without clinging to excuses or reasons.  I get passionate about quieting my brain too, I do love a challenge.  Also discovering that my frustrated moments stem mostly from lack of respect allows me to stay away from certain topics, places and teaching myself to love certain people from a little further away.  That's what I'm working on now.  :)

    Love and light,

    Rev. Jacqueline Bosse