Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Kevin Johnson

Recent Entries

  • Virtual Clothesline

    National Domestic Violence Month The Clothesline Project 'one in four women will be physically or sexually assaulted by a partner at some point in her lifetime' Presidential Proclomation The U.S. Congress passed Public Law 101-112 in 1989, designating October, National Domes...
  • The forgotten

    There are over 2.2 million people incarcerated in the United States alone.  Chances are that someone close to you or that your know is one of them.  In the United States, one in four people are estimated to 'do time' at some point, for some crime.  Often times these are non-violent cr...
  • When is the last time? Reaping what we sow

    When is the last time you sat down to write someone a letter? No, I do not mean an email, or a 'business' email to communicate for some reason. Truly, to sit down and write a letter to a family member or a friend, even an acquaintance whom you would like to spend more time getting to kno...