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Rev. Druid Jason Griffith / | \

Recent Entries

  • From Horseman to Harbinger - Part 2

    “When the Lamb broke the second seal, I heard the second living being say, ‘Come!’ and another horse appeared…a red one. Its rider was given a mighty sword and the authority to remove peace from the earth. And there was war and slaughter everywhere.” Revelation 6:3-4 ...
  • From Horseman to Harbinger - Part 1

    There was a famous speech given by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, in honor of the Marines who died during the invasion on D-Day, World War II.  Pres. Roosevelt presented this speech because he knew that upon issuing the orders to proceed, he had single handedly signed the death warrant of tho...
  • I am...Druid

    My name is Jason, and I am a former Sergeant of the United States Marine Corps.  I was raised attending Southern Baptist Churches.  As a little boy I had so many questions for those in charge of the church.  So much so that I was labeled as an annoyance for being too curious and then ...