Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Joy Pachowicz

Recent Entries

  • Ordained means

    Being ordained means we have decided to spend our life leading others to the Divine , to the truth ..to the Infinite to the  Everlasting and Unending Love .. to kindness ..to caring to non-violence..to unity .to peace..... It means we will mirror to others what we hold as true in our own  ...
  • I believe that

    I believe one day all religious labels will fall away, that all denominations will melt away in the fire of God's love. I believe there are many vehicles that lead us to God to faith to truth; but there is but one truth .and one God .though all understand  in their own capacity and their own la...
  • Give me eyes to see

    I have only one desire; to see all people with love and understanding.  I want all people to know that the God of love and understanding is ever ready accept and embrace and love them.