Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev. J. Keith Sowell

Recent Entries

  • Angels, Aliens and Astronauts

    What if Angels, Aliens and Astronauts are all the same names for Visitors and Messengers from the Heavens, or Space.
  • Brother's Keeper Ministries

    Happy New Year to everyone and I hope God will bless you and myself in the comming year. My year ended with something I never would have believed. My Brother Slick was ordained by ULC. I mearly mentioned to him that I was ordianed and he said that he had been thinking about his own salvation an...
  • Keeper's Blog

    Although I know many who I believe are atleast in part decsended from Apes, I am personally a decsendant of Adam. I also don't believe that any of my Ancestors had secret relations with Apes either. I see a lot of people who act like monkey's and it makes me wonder about their own lineages...