Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Althaea Sebastiani

Recent Entries

  • Wicca in a Nutshell

    Wicca is a Witchcraft Religion that was created in the 1940’s by a man named Gerald Gardner. In the 1930’s, he had been initiated into a local group of witches, whose practice was much what one would historically expect: folkloric, regional, and influenced by the Grimoire Traditions. In ...
  • What is Paganism?

    In the spirit of further sharing and correcting misinformation, I offer this article. As always, I do welcome any questions regarding Paganism and witchcraft, and I do hope this clears up some confusion that anyone may have, but if it adds to it, do feel free to ask questions! :)     Wh...
  • Religious Witchcraft

    This morning I was asked a question regarding my religious path, and with that minister's permission, I have reproduced that question and my response below, It is my hope that it may offer others insight into Religious Witchcraft and what it is and is not.   If there were just one thing you w...
  • Comfort Vigil

    Greetings everyone, By now, I'm sure everyone has heard of the terrible school shooting in Newton, CT. I'm asking everyone who wishes to join me in a Comfort Vigil at 3pm EST -that is, a moment to pray, send comforting energy, light a candle, or just think of the families effected by this and ...
  • Fight for Peace.

    Peace must be fought for. However, the fight is not against some external foe, but it is against ourselves. To achieve peace, we must fight against the urge to point out other’s flaws, to state our own superiority and righteousness. To achieve peace we must against the attachment we have to e...
  • Short and Sweet Wedding Ceremony

    Greetings Everyone! Here's an example of a very simple Wedding Ceremony that I performed yesterday for a couple. The entire ceremony took about 2 minutes! After I pronounced them husband and wife, the woman who was taking the photos yells out, "Is that it?" The couple yelled back, "Short and sweet!...