Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev. Xiao Shizi

Advice sought, advice given.

  • A family event has brought us a bit closer. This brought a curious question from a young lady trying to find herself. In her mid 20s she had grown uneasy with the christian faith she had grown up with. Two points in particular. First is communion. Eating the body and drinking the blood of a god sounded too much like cannibalism. Even if only symbolic. Second was the flood myth. The idea that their god flooded the entire earth, killing everything that was not on the boat, seriously bothered her. When she brought up these problems with her parents or in church, she was treated like she had no right to question. Cannibalism and mass murder. I think her questions were valid. 


    I explained that her path is her own. It is too easy for anyone, even if it's me, to mold my advice to influence the outcome. I'm not sure another person should have that kind of influence over someone's faith. My daughter and I are both nature path, yet our personal paths don't look alike. The only advice I felt comfortable with at this point was to assure her that I would do everything I could to find the book, the web site, the person with the answer to a specific question. Her job would be to come up with the question. 


    I am very harsh on those who push or prosiletizes their religion. This was my attempt not to become one. It seems like I may have left her with more questions than she came with, but my answer felt right.