Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev. Xiao Shizi

Recent Entries

  • Guns and Hate

    Even if some don't agree with me about banning assault weapons, can we at least agree that people on the terrorist watch list should not be allowed to legally buy one? I am extremely far left on any social issue, but on this one I cannot understand the republican stance on this. Maybe we can debate ...
  • Personal Path

    At the beginning of my path I heard over and over again that I could not be nature path, and "not" believe in deities. Many said these two were incompatible. I gave this much thought, asked for opinions from lots of people. A few christians I talked to surprised me. Though they believed in a superna...
  • Discrimination again

    I congratulate the DOJ for filing suit against NC for refusing to put a stop to its open discrimination against a segment of its citizens. Civil rights taking a turn backwards should scare everyone. Full equal rights in this country still have a way to go, but setting the bar lower just to accommoda...
  • Anti descrimination vs religious freedom

    I honestly do understand the need or desire for religious freedom, but if that freedom requires the discrimination of others I don't think the government needs to step in to give someone's freedom to religious expression a free pass to do so. These religious freedom laws being passed in some states ...
  • Proselytization

    Proselytization. An odd word I wish we could disinvent. The word only has meaning to some of the world's religions. Drafting laws that everyone has to abide by is a form of proselytization in my view, if the underlying purpose for this law is to impose a religiously based ideology into our system of...
  • Advice sought, advice given.

    A family event has brought us a bit closer. This brought a curious question from a young lady trying to find herself. In her mid 20s she had grown uneasy with the christian faith she had grown up with. Two points in particular. First is communion. Eating the body and drinking the blood of a god soun...
  • 10 Commandments on public land?

    The christian 10 commandments are being removed from public land in Oklahoma. I very much support the removal of this monument, but I have to wonder why it was ever there in the first place. Now, before people start freaking out, please understand that in an effort to make this situation fair for al...
  • Church and State

    What happened to the separation of church and state? I see our candidates, mostly on the right but both sides are guilt, sell the christianity to the highest bidder. Some bring their bibles, while others just talk about their religion and memories of Sunday school. I deeply disagree with the indoctr...