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Saber Jefferson

Spider Potential

  • I tried to post this in my message, but it had gotten shortened - not enough e-paper! This is one of my personal blogs on my website www.saberj.co that I wanted to share with everyone here. Thank you for anyone who goes to my website and comments on my blogs. May God bless your journy!

     My daughter asked me what I meant by "Spider Potential". I asked her why she was afraid of spiders and she said, "Because they might bite me and they might be poisonous!" So there are 2 reasons she gave me of the potential of a spider: biting and poisonous. That is the potential that spider had that created her fear, or the definition of fear - reverencing in awe, or giving your respect to. She reverenced in awe about the potential of that spider and what it MIGHT do. She never thought of HER potential of what she CAN do....smash it! Spider potential is gone.

        I've heard that the devil goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he can destroy... that doesn't mean he has power. He only has spider potential. God gave us authority over him meaning we have power to overcome the devils temptations through the name Jesus!

         Same thing with every day "reverencing in awe". Everyone looks at the potential of the "thing", situation, occuarance, and thought that they give in to the potential of the "IT" instead of stopping and searching within yourself to the potential you have. What is the potential you have?

         "God dwells in the temple that is built with out hands, which temple you are..."

         "Have you not read that you are the temple...?"

         "Father, let them understand that I am in you, and you are in me and we are in them..." 

         If God then dwells in you, and God has no limits, then your potential is limitless! The potential is in you already. God anoints you, God gives you strength, God gives you wisdom, God gives you victory!! Spider potential --- gone!

         God is glorified and you are victorious! So the next time you feel fear or reverencing in awe... Look within to find your God Potential and smash that Spider Potential until it is gone!